Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Proud mama moment


image via Vintage weave

Lately, I’ve been feeling inspired by all things industrial.  So, I’ve picked up a couple of old metal box/trunks, and as usual, I’m not sure yet where they’re going to go, but I like their “old-beat-up-ness.”   The smaller of the two had gobs of old ugly paint on it (yes, I do believe that old chippy paint can be beautiful, but this was just UGLY).  So, this morning I got out my bottle of Citrustrip (the best paint stripper, ever) and started peeling back the layers.  

Child #2 (age 8), who has an AMAZING eye, came out to see what I was working on and asked if he could help. 

After working on it a bit, he said that he wanted to put it in his room.  I told him “maybe” but we’d have to clean up the rust on the bottom so it didn’t get all over the carpet.  To which he replied:

“Oh mom, I like the rust--it’s patina.”

Music to my ears.


  1. lovely! my proud moment came when my son, then around age 8 or so, shot up his hand at an auction to bid on a box lot! I had no idea he was even thinking of it! The auctioneer looked at me and I nodded 'yes.' He ended up with a $2 box containing, among other treasures, a small original painting which he sold through my antique space for $45. He was so pleased, he promptly went out and spent the whole thing on a new set of legos!

  2. A Perfect Gray--
    That's awesome! Mine would also spend it on Lego's or Pokemon or something similar. little one loves small antique items--at the last antique fair, he bought for himself a lovely old money clip with his initial on it... Sometimes they really surprise us.
